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  • Writer's pictureJessica Abel

Pavel Barber: A Elite Grinder with a Purpose

Unless you’ve been living on a desert island with no access to the internet, you’ve probably heard of stick-handling extraordinaire Pavel Barber — one of the hardest working Capricorns in Hockey. 4 years, 20,000,000+ views and 84,000 YouTube subscribers later, Pavel Barber has become a household name for hockey hopefuls looking to perfect their stick-handling skills. Pavel’s ability to make

mastering something, while also being fun and entertaining, is unmatched and when you look at his chart it’s easy to see why.


I often refer to Capricorn players as the “Grinders” of the zodiac. There is an incredible work ethic to Capricorns and Pavel’s chart is crazy loaded with Capricorn. He’s all about practice makes perfect. He’s wants to believe there is a right or wrong way to shoot the puck and will work until he’s mastered as many skills as he can.

Capricorns are one of the most coach-able signs of the Zodiac. They have the skill to plug into any role and often Coaches rely on them for physically taxing games. Most solid teams have a healthy allocation of Capricorns (and other Earth Signs) on their roster. These players often account for the consistency of a given franchise. So what makes an earthy Capricorn like Pavel Barber want to be on the other side — teaching and mentoring?  His likable Libra side…


Work is play for Pavel. This is why he (unlike many people) is successfully making a career out of something he loves to do.  His love for the sport is contagious and he can’t help but feel compelled to share and teach what he knows. It’s no surprise he has chosen video as a medium to help aspiring athletes see, hear and re-watch his instructions until they too can master their craft.

Pavel’s got a Libra Rising sign; perfect for mentoring and building a sense of team and trust. Many of the most respected and effective team Captains have a lot of Libra in their charts. It’s this aspect of his chart that gives Pavel the ability to listen and empathize with players, coaches, students and even parents.

His Mercury is in Capricorn making him thorough and sometimes overly specific with communication. Teaching by demonstration is his preferred method. He’d rather be in the weeds with a hands on approach to learning.

For Pavel, as a player, it’s less about winning as it is about the fun of playing. He feels he wins if he plays well. His is happiest when he’s playing hockey and has a deep urge to always keep his skills sharp and in check. Whether it’s a pick-up game or competitive league play, he will find a way to get out on the ice and do his thing.


We could go on-and-on about how this guy was born to play, teach and promote hockey but we think his videos say it best. Here are a few of our favorites!

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